
Time to put up orange lights. I usually do this on the front of my house, and it looks nice. I'm gradually switching this round of lights to LEDs, I think I'm about halfway there. Right now I have white LEDs up.

I'm switching them over gradually, as the incandescent lights burn out. Keeping them in good condition is kind of a pain. LEDs can be finicky too, but I find them to be more resilient especially if not left up year-round.

Otherwise, time maybe to acquire pumpkins as well. Maybe I should wait until next weekend to go all-out on the Halloween decorations, but now that it's fall I think I'll jump all in.

Other than that... I'll need to mess with the furnace to make sure it's working, which has kind of started. With some help I got the pool closed today too. Now I await the leaves.

Find me at @toroidalcore@hackers.town