Fediverse Software

I toyed with the idea of running my own #Mastodon instance back when I'd first started looking into it. This was also before I knew much about the #Fediverse in general. I decided ultimately to just join mastodon.social and get a feel for things. This I think was the right thing to do.

Since then, I've moved to hackers.town for my microblogging needs, which is a nice community. I've kind of put aside the idea of selfhosting Mastodon, partly because of the resource usage, and partly just because this is working for me. I selfhost a lot of other stuff, like web and email (and this place, which is somewhere between microblogging and normal blogging (macroblogging?)), so at this point I've just been thinking I'd stick with this for a while.

In the mean time, I'm kind of content that at least there are other options out there for selfhosting, in that someone will be able to even if I don't have the urge for it right now.

Find me at @toroidalcore@hackers.town