
So I'm realizing that I kind of like using this as a blogging platform. I want to develop my web site a little, and have a Wordpress blog I use there, but have been thinking about switching to something static-based. And/or using this more. A lot of it is that I need to think about what I really want it to be, and sit down and actually work on it.

I'm kind of thinking that this is a nice place for stream-of-consciousness, generally updates about life. It's a natural extension from posting about stuff on the Fediverse, but still accessible for those not on it. Really, the comments are one of the things that I kind of wonder if I'd miss from giving up Wordpress. It was nice to get one once in a while, but there was also a lot of spam. Plus, email is a thing. In the old days of the web, people set up small personal sites, and maybe publish emails they received there. That could be automated a little, but something like that?

Some sort of scheme to accept comment via email and publish them as updates to static site? Might be interesting.

In the mean time, I just stick a Fedi account as part of the signature here, and get pinged when this actually federates. And I suppose then I could have discussions on Fedi as well, which is kind of slick.


With US politics being what they are, I find myself a little stressed out. I'm hoping that I can actually devote a little attention to making some progress on things. I do, in tiny, granular amounts now and then. But some of these I've been thinking of for years. Here is a selection:

Really, the inverter is the thing I'd most like to get going. I more or less know how it should work, but as I envision it it will require learning a new microcontroller architecture, and designing a few boards. It will be a bit of an odyssey, but should actually be useful.

The Solar Pi is sort of a concept art project I came up with, and I may put that just beneath the inverter in terms of priority.


I may be adding a dog to my household. It will certainly be the source of plenty of pictures, as well as of preemption to the above projects, if it works out. Stay tuned.


I just try to stay busy. It's easy to get caught in a doom loop. I hope everyone reading this has various ways they can escape the grind now and then. Take care of yourselves.

Find me at @toroidalcore@hackers.town