My region is supposed to get a lot of snow soon. We got a little today, but not much accumulation.
I can just imagine shoveling my driveway now. It's usually good for a few nice workouts a year, and my driveway is short enough that I can't really justify a snowblower. Luckily, it usually works out that I do it and then it's clear for a while. Having a nice coat of snow is worth that to me.
I was thinking about commenting here on the exodus from Twitter, and how the Fediverse is growing now that people are discovering it as an option. I've commented on my main Mastodon instance a little about this, and will just say that while the Fediverse isn't perfect, I think it's a great alternative to conventional social media. There's still work to be done, but that work is closer to an actual possibility since it's not a single platform owned by one person or a small group of people. In other words, on the Fediverse, your complaints and praises seem like they can actually reach the appropriate ears, at least in my experience.
Aside from that, it's beautiful here. The weather is warm, in the mid 70s F, and the leaves have mostly fallen around me. I spent most of today rounding them up, getting some of them to the curb, an preparing to do another haul soon. I did take a bunch and spread them over my little garden area, which will hopefully become good fertilizer in spring. But, most are going to the curb.
Halloween was pleasant, and frankly this could make a good Halloween night. I'm leaving some of my decorations up a little longer, perhaps until next weekend. Mostly they're orange lights, which I think are generally fall-appropriate. Next step will be colored and clear lights, in anticipation of the more wintry weather.
This weather is probably indicative of climate change. I remember getting all sort of weather around Halloween growing up, both warm like this and snowing. But, usually it was cooler. Maybe mid-50s F. It seems the weather has been trending warmer, just by my recollection.
It's cloudy and gray out, and rainy too. The leaves are starting to turn. I'm traveling, but will be home soon. I expect it to be the same when I return.
It's nice getting away, but this trip has left me awash. I'll be happy to be home.
There will be leaves, and some other fall cleanup. Some other changes too, seasonal and otherwise.
There are many cats in my life – my own, and those of my relatives. There have been for years. Other than college and a little while afterwards when I was living on my own, I've had them in my life.
They are interesting animals – intelligent, crafty, loving, but not necessarily apt to please you. I like dogs as well, and in fact I miss having one. But I can't imagine never having cats in my life.
It's autumn, but it's warm out. Kind of. I went for a walk earlier and it was very nice. Now it's pleasantly windy, and I can let the house air out. Enjoy this while you still can, before it gets too cold.
Still mostly leaves on trees. We'll see as time goes, but I'm getting ready to get the rake, leaf blower, and tarp, to try to put a dent in the inevitable deluge. Easier to get it now than to leave it until spring.
It's cloudy here, but the weather isn't too bad. We've been getting a lot of rain, and it's cooler. Things are still growing, and most of the leaves are still on the trees.
There's maybe a couple more mowings left, and then at some point I'll have to attack the leaves. I'm guessing sometime in the week before Halloween.
I love this time of year. I love all the seasons, but spring and autumn are special. You can feel transition happening, there's a lot of life.
I'm not sure how many more mowings I'll have, but today probably won't be the last of the season. I'm thinking one or two more, but who knows. Leaves will come soon enough. The trees are still pretty green around me, but soon all that will be hitting the yard.
There are a couple smaller things I've been thinking about. One is an energy monitor for DC systems. Basically, it would be have two Anderson Power Pole connectors, one in and one out, a current sensor, and a microcontroller with RS485 for comms. It would do things like give instantaneous voltage, current, and power, and track accumulated energy (watt-hours) and maybe charge (amp-hours). It would work for 12, 24, and 36 VDC nominal systems. I had actually attempted something like this before, but this would be smaller and more compact. Yes, they're commercially available, but this would be more fun.
The other things is a low voltage (again, 12, 24, or 36 VDC nominal) load timer. Basically, three load switches, a microcontroller, RS485 comms, but also a real time clock. Just like a standard timer – set date and time for on/off, or duration.
These are relatively smaller than other things I've had in my queue as far as projects, but they're neat, kind of useful, and a great excuse to design more printed circuit boards.
Time to put up orange lights. I usually do this on the front of my house, and it looks nice. I'm gradually switching this round of lights to LEDs, I think I'm about halfway there. Right now I have white LEDs up.
I'm switching them over gradually, as the incandescent lights burn out. Keeping them in good condition is kind of a pain. LEDs can be finicky too, but I find them to be more resilient especially if not left up year-round.
Otherwise, time maybe to acquire pumpkins as well. Maybe I should wait until next weekend to go all-out on the Halloween decorations, but now that it's fall I think I'll jump all in.
Other than that... I'll need to mess with the furnace to make sure it's working, which has kind of started. With some help I got the pool closed today too. Now I await the leaves.
I have been on the road. Travel has been good, seeing new places is good. Meeting some old friends is good. But I can't wait to get back to see my cat.